What Is a Private Key?

A private key is a secret number that is used in cryptography, similar to a password. In cryptocurrency, private keys are also used to sign transactions and prove ownership of a blockchain address.

Understanding Block Time

Block time can be defined as, the average amount of time it takes for the hashing (computational) power of the network (nodes) to find a solution to the current hash and create a new block.

Understanding Blocks

Blocks are where transaction data is stored in a blockchain. Each block has a hash that uniquely identifies the information contained within the block.

What is a smart contract?

A smart contract, like any contract, establishes the terms of an agreement. But unlike a traditional contract, a smart contract’s terms are executed as code running on a blockchain like Ethereum.

What is Peer-to-Peer (P2P)?

In computer science, the definition of P2P, also known as a peer-to-peer network, is a decentralized network that comprises a group of devices (users) connected together to share and store information with each other.